

Select your preferred service from our range of New Entity Registration, Post-Incorporation & Compliance and/or Cross-Border Expansion/Migration Services.

New Entity Registration

Highly Recommended!

Private Limited Liability Company (LLC)


View Features
  • Name Reservation
  • Application Filing
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Articles (MemArt) of Association
  • Status Report
  • Accredited Agent
  • Share capital of 1,000,000*
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Business Bank Account
  • Founder’s Toolbox
  • Timeline: 3-10 Business Days
  • *Extra charges of N20,000 apply for each additional 1,000,000 share capital

    New Entity Registration

    Sole Proprietorship


    View Features
    • Name Reservation
    • Application Filing
    • Certificate of Registration
    • Status Report
    • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
    • Business Bank Account
    • Founder’s Toolbox
    • Timeline: 3-10 Business Days
    • *Extra charges apply for share capital above 1,000,000

      New Entity Registration



      View Features
      • Name Reservation
      • Application Filing
      • Certificate of Registration
      • Status Report
      • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
      • Business Bank Account
      • Founder’s Toolbox
      • Timeline: 3-7 Business Days
      • Fee applies to 2 partners*
      • *Extra charges of ₦2,000 apply for each additional partner above 2 partners

        New Entity Registration

        Incorporated Trustees


        View Features


        • Name Reservation
        • Application Filing
        • Application for Consent Code
        • Incorporation Certificate
        • Preparation of Minutes of Meeting
        • 2 Newspaper Publications
        • Trustee Declaration Forms
        • Organization’s Constitution
        • Tax Identification Number
        • Business Bank Account
        • Founder’s Toolbox

          Timeline: 30-60 Business Days


          Business Name Upgrade


          View Features
          • Search
          • Consent from CAC Registrar General for Upgrade
          • Application Filing
          • New Certificate of Registration
          • New Status Report
          • New Memorandum & Articles (MemArt) of Association
          • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
          • Business Bank Account
          • Founder’s Toolbox
          • Timeline: 3-10 Business Days


              Annual Returns Filing


              View Features
              • Application Filing
              • CAC Acknowledgement Letter

                *Additional fee of ₦10,000 applies for late filing charges


                  Company Alterations


                  Available Alteration Services:
                  • Change of Company Name on Certificate
                  • Change of Name on MemArt
                  • Alteration of Objects on MemArt
                  • Change of Name on Status Report
                  • Allotment of Shares
                  • Appointment/Removal of Directors
                  • Appointment/Removal of Shareholders
                  • Appointment/Removal of Secretary


                    Trademark Registration


                    View Features
                    • Search
                    • Application Filing
                    • Publication
                    • Timeline: 2-3 months

                      *Extra charges of ₦60,000 apply to obtain trademark certificate, applicable after publication.

                      Cross-Border Expansion

                      US Company Formation


                      View Features
                      • Set up LLCs in Virginia, Delaware and Wyoming
                      • Company Formation Certificate
                      • Employer’s Identification Number (EIN)
                      • US Business Bank Account
                      • US Business Address
                      • US Registered Agent
                      • Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report
                      • Excludes Compliance Management Fee of $300/year (Covers Annual Report, US Registered Agent & US Business Address)

                          Cross-Border Expansion

                          US Work Visa & Green Card (O1A/EB1A)

                          View Features
                          • Profile Development
                          • US Company Set-up
                          • Filing Fees
                          • Premium Processing
                          • Attorney Fees

                            Cross-Border Expansion

                            UK Company Formation


                            View Features
                            • Company Formation
                            • Incorporation Documents
                            • Business Bank Account
                            • Access to the Founders Toolbox
                            • UK Business Address
                            • Excludes Annual Renewal & Compliance Management Fee of €150/year

                                Cross-Border Expansion

                                Set up a Company in Nigeria as a Foreigner


                                View Features
                                • Name Reservation
                                • Application Filing
                                • Certificate of Incorporation
                                • Memorandum & Articles (MemArt) of Association
                                • Status Report
                                • Accredited Agent
                                • Share capital of 10,000,000*
                                • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
                                • Business Bank Account
                                • Founder’s Toolbox
                                • Timeline: 3-10 Business Days
                                • *Extra charges of ₦25,000 apply for each additional share capital above 10,000,000
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                                  Need Further Support?

                                  You can reach us via the following channels:

                                  • Email: hello@corporatebestie.com
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